Mary and Anahit talk about JESC 2016 and share their expectations
Prior to departing for Malta, representatives of Armenia at "Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2016" Mary Vardanyan and Anahit Adamyan have today held a press conference sharing their impressions and presenting preparatory process ahead of the contest.
Despite the fact that the Armenian delegates will perform a song entitled “Tarber” (Different), and will present their differences from the big stage, the latter does not prevent them from being best friends.
“It is of much importance to us to present our country with honor during this prestigious contest”, said the girls.
Like for almost all the singers, for Anahit and Mary likewise, participation in Junior Eurovision is the greatest dream ever. “I have always followed this contest wishing to appear on this stage one day. I am so happy my dream will soon come true,” Anahit said, while Mary added “I have always imagined myself surrounded by beautiful lights on this stage. It has been my dream to sing from that stage and to receive votes. Even though this year TV viewers will not be voting, I still hope experts will highly assess our performance.”
Head of Armenian delegation to Eurovision Gohar Gasparyan informed that Public TV Company creative team has chosen the song written by Nik Yegibyan and Avet Barseghyan.
The song focuses on the stylistic differences between the two young singers and the struggle around it. The song presents an opposing struggle, which serves as basis for further unity, since there are three things that unite them eventually – song, smile and love.
Armenia’s former delegate to Eurovision Mika was also present at the press conference: he later presented the girls mascot dolls, one of which accompanied him throughout last year’s contest.
Public TV Company of Armenia is the official broadcaster of the Contest.
To recap, Junior Eurovision will be held for the 14th time this year, and is scheduled on November 20th, in the capital city of Malta – Valetta, which is to host the Contest for the second time already.
Apart from this, several changes have been made to the Contest rules this year. Instead of the previously set age limit allowed for participation in the contest - 10-15, this year the participants should be aged 9-14. There will no longer be TV viewers’ voting this year either. Instead, the professional and children’s judges of member states will decide the winner, in addition to professional jury voting. The jury is made up of three renowned European artists. There has also been change of time of the streaming: this year viewers can watch the Contest in evening hours instead.
17 countries will have their participation in the Contest this year, among them Albania, Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia and the Ukraine.